
All Things Data-Driven Marketing


Sean Ellis coined the term “growth hacking” over a decade ago in 2010. Since then, the term has taken on a life of its own.

“Growth hacking” is the focus of dozens of books, new roles, new departments and teams, new methods of thinking, hundreds of articles, hundreds of guides, hundreds of webinars… you get the idea.

Yet, it still feels very elusive. High-growth companies simply have something most companies don’t, right?

Wrong. The truth is, they simply had a solid growth marketing process.

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How to Conduct a Technical SEO Audit

The technical elements of your website’s SEO are crucial to search performance. Understand and maintain them and your website can rank prominently, drive traffic, and help boost sales. Neglect them, and you run the risk of pages not showing up in SERPs.

In this article, you’ll learn how to conduct a technical SEO audit to find and fix issues in your website’s structure. We’ll look at key ranking factors including content, speed, structure, and mobile-friendliness to ensure your site can be crawled and indexed. 

We’ll also show you the tools you need to boost on-page and off-page SEO efforts and performance, and how to use them.

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One tailed vs two tailed tests

One-tailed tests allow for the possibility of an effect in one direction. Two-tailed tests test for the possibility of an effect in two directions—positive and negative.

Simple as that concept may seem, there’s a lot of controversy around one-tailed vs. two-tailed testing. Articles like this one lambaste the shortcomings of one-tailed testing, saying that “unsophisticated users love them.”

On the flip side, some articles and discussions take a more balanced approach and say there’s a time and a place for both.

Let’s set the record straight.

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An In-Depth Guide to Technical SEO

Keyword research, high-quality content, link building, on-page SEO—these tactics help you improve organic rankings. But search engine optimization strategies will only take you so far. 

Getting your technical SEO house in order is the final piece of the puzzle in site ranking.

Technical SEO is about giving your searchers a top-quality web experience. People want fast-loading web pages, stable graphics, and content that’s easy to interact with. 

In this article, we’ll explore what technical SEO is and how it impacts website growth. 

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Conversion rate formula

Conversions are crucial to your business. But a good conversion rate doesn’t always mean more sales.

The magic of a conversion rate formula lies in gleaning marketing insights. It’s a window into what’s working and what isn’t so you can test, optimize, and improve.

In this article, we’ll explore how to calculate conversion rates and its application across different channels and customer journeys. We’ll also dive into the relationship between conversion rate and profitability and how to leverage your conversion rate formula to drive optimization efforts.

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A Step-by-Step Guide to LinkedIn Ads

LinkedIn can help you tap into a specialized and high-quality professional audience. Brands that advertise on LinkedIn are perceived to be 92% more professional than competitors, too. 

But it’s not the right choice for everyone. Done wrong, you’ll blow through your budget and waste time. Looking professional doesn’t matter if your ad doesn’t reach your target audience and drive conversions. 

In this guide, you’ll learn how to make your ads budget go further, whether your products are right for LinkedIn, and how to measure your success. We’ll also look at some examples of LinkedIn ads that get it right and how you can emulate them. 

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Competitive Analysis

“Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.” —Napoleon Bonaparte

When your competitors make mistakes, it makes winning so much easier. But what if it’s you who is making a mistake, while your competitors are off to the races? You won’t know until you figure out what your competitors are up to.

Knowing what the competitors are doing—how they’re thinking about the market, which tactics they’re using, how they’re crafting messages and design—can make all the difference in the battle for customers.

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Product Lifecycle

An effective product launch strategy helps you generate awareness, build intrigue, and validate your product positioning. But it’s not a linear journey. 

The best product launches take into account the product lifecycle—understanding where it fits into the bigger picture, and how to transition through each phase. 

In this article, we’ll explain how to build a resilient product launch plan that survives a non-linear journey. We’ll also share when to transition to the growth stage in the product lifecycle so you can drive conversions and revenue off your momentum.

(Want to get better at product launches? Take the Product Marketing Certification Training program).

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Logical fallacies

When you first start doing conversion optimization, you think that the biggest hurdles are technical things: running an a/b test the right way, collecting data correctly, QA’ing tests.

These things are all important, of course. But the solutions are fairly straightforward, and when you reach a certain level of experience and skill, they tend to be a given.

No, the biggest obstacle to a testing program – even a mature program – tends to be human error and cognitive bias.

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