
All Things Data-Driven Marketing

9 Ways to Supercharge Your Email Click-Through Rates

You already know by now that high email open rates are useless if click-through rates (CTRs) are low. You need people to click the links in your email to end up on your website. Click-through rates are a much better indicator of email engagement and success than only open rates for that reason.

But the average email CTR is 4.19% — across all industries.

Which means around 4 recipients click your links for every 100 opened emails.

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4 Ways to Use Visual Hierarchy to Improve UX and Boost Conversions

Technology and consumer preferences are quickly evolving (seemingly by the hour). In this turbulent world of fast-paced change, we often forget that core tenets of sensory perception and human psychology remain the same.

One of those functions is how we view and process visual information, and in particular, visual hierarchy.

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Personalization: How to Build a Revenue Boosting Program from Scratch

Did you know that Netflix has only 90 seconds to find a show that suits a user before she gets frustrated and quits? According to a recent academic study, “a typical Netflix member loses interest after perhaps 60 to 90 seconds of choosing, having reviewed 10 to 20 titles (perhaps 3 in detail) on one or two screens.”

How does Netflix manage to find the right show for the right user so quickly?

According to the same study, 80% of its customers’ video plays comes from its personalized recommendation engine. Netflix estimates the value brought by this personalized recommendation system at a billion dollars per year.

That’s a serious win achieved through personalization.

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