
email marketing

9 Ways to Supercharge Your Email Click-Through Rates

You already know by now that high email open rates are useless if click-through rates (CTRs) are low. You need people to click the links in your email to end up on your website. Click-through rates are a much better indicator of email engagement and success than only open rates for that reason.

But the average email CTR is 4.19% — across all industries.

Which means around 4 recipients click your links for every 100 opened emails.

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Post-Purchase Emails

A common mistake ecommerce store owners make is accepting the sale as the end-goal. It is easy for brands to think in such a transactional way; looking beyond each purchase can prove challenging.

A 2014 survey by Econsultancy revealed, “Just 42% of companies are able to measure customer lifetime value.” Though the remaining 58% understand the importance of customer loyalty and retention, they may find it difficult to execute and analyze customer happiness and conversion campaigns.

For a business to thrive, it must provide customers with long-term value that translates into repeat purchases and, thus, increases the customer’s lifetime value to the company.

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Cart Regeneration

A Rejoiner study found that over 50% of the cart abandonment emails they send are opened on a device that is different than the one the customer originally abandoned on.

A typical situation is a person browsing your site on mobile, perhaps adding items to their cart as a “wishlist”, then never completing their purchase.

Wouldn’t it be great if you could email them with the exact items they’d left in their cart, and restore their cart with those items, no matter what device they use when they click through your email reminder?

That’s the beauty of cart regeneration, a feature that online retailers often overlook in their cart abandonment email strategy. It’s key to boosting online sales.

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Newsletter List Cleanup

If you are an email marketer, chances are that the majority of the articles you read are about growing your list, getting more opens, clicks, etc.

But what if your list is growing thanks to all those tips for improvement, but the open and click rates actually deteriorate? Are you doing something wrong? Not necessarily.

The thing is that leads age – they become uninterested in what you have to offer for a variety of reasons (job changes, bankruptcy, already found a better product/service, etc.) Or they just don’t bother to open your emails.

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8 Email Segmentation Examples That Can Boost Conversions

You finally decide to invest the time and money into building an email list. Tons of articles explain the importance of email marketing for your business, but you continue to fail at achieving results. Instead, you experience:

  • Low open & click-through rates
  • High unsubscribe rates
  • And worse, you’ve been reported for spam.

So what are all the other successful email marketers doing that you’re not? Are they smarter than you? Is there some secret tool everyone is keeping to themselves?


Here’s the difference: You’re “spraying & praying” by sending the same emails to your entire email list.

And this needs to end.

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SaaS Lead Nurturing

When you’re trying to boost revenue and the number of paying users for a SaaS, your website and signup page are only one piece of the puzzle. Optimizers tend to forget that the entire funnel requires optimization.

Focusing on your signup page will help you increase trial signups upfront. But the major questions are:

  1. Are paid signups significantly going to go up?
  2. Would increasing free trials result in churn increasing?

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Transactional Emails

A while back, Seth Godin published a list of things that “every good marketer knows”. Among that list was: “Anticipated, personal, and relevant advertising always does better than unsolicited junk.” His conclusion was that there is a very big difference between knowing and doing.

Good marketers continue to send unsolicited junk. [Tweet It!]

Transactional emails are the key every good marketer is talking about, but that few are doing something about.

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Promotional Emails

Email makes the world go around, right? No matter how many times you read about “the death of email”, it remains paramount in the online world. In fact, I’ll bet you’ll receive at least two emails in the time it will take you to read this article from start to finish.

Are all emails created equal? No, not exactly.

According to Salesforce, the top 3 uses of email are newsletters (66%), promotional content (54%) and welcome series emails (42%). However, the top 3 most effective emails are mobile opt-ins (76%), birthday emails (75%), and transactional emails (74%).

Promotional emails get a bad rap, but when they work, they really work. SocialMedia Today, 43% of recipients made at least one purchase last year based on a promotional email.

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