
Be Proactive: What I Should Have Done Earlier in Life

You can improve your private and business life just by being proactive and incorporating good habits into your routine NOW. In this video, I break down the things in my personal and professional life that I should have started earlier and why it’s important to focus on longevity.


what's<00:00:00.210> the<00:00:00.420> one<00:00:00.630> thing<00:00:00.659> that<00:00:01.319> I<00:00:01.350> wish<00:00:01.709> I<00:00:02.010> had
what's the one thing that I wish I had what's the one thing that I wish I had started<00:00:02.669> earlier<00:00:02.939> on<00:00:08.059> somebody<00:00:09.059> asked<00:00:09.269> me<00:00:09.330> the started earlier on somebody asked me the started earlier on somebody asked me the other<00:00:09.480> day<00:00:09.630> on<00:00:10.050> Facebook<00:00:11.690> what<00:00:12.690> is<00:00:12.780> the<00:00:12.929> one other day on Facebook what is the one other day on Facebook what is the one thing<00:00:13.400> that<00:00:14.400> I<00:00:14.519> wish<00:00:14.730> I<00:00:14.820> had<00:00:14.969> started<00:00:15.269> years thing that I wish I had started years thing that I wish I had started years ago<00:00:16.520> earlier<00:00:17.520> than<00:00:17.730> I<00:00:17.820> did ago earlier than I did ago earlier than I did business-wise<00:00:18.810> it<00:00:19.710> has<00:00:19.980> to<00:00:20.279> be<00:00:20.490> blogging<00:00:21.420> I business-wise it has to be blogging I business-wise it has to be blogging I studied<00:00:21.900> the<00:00:22.050> cxl<00:00:22.710> blog<00:00:22.890> in<00:00:23.070> 2011<00:00:23.760> and<00:00:23.939> I<00:00:24.269> was studied the cxl blog in 2011 and I was studied the cxl blog in 2011 and I was hesitant<00:00:24.779> to<00:00:24.900> start<00:00:25.260> to<00:00:25.380> see<00:00:25.529> Excel<00:00:25.800> blow<00:00:26.010> up hesitant to start to see Excel blow up hesitant to start to see Excel blow up as<00:00:26.310> a<00:00:26.460> I'm<00:00:26.849> not<00:00:27.300> a<00:00:27.330> native<00:00:27.689> English<00:00:27.779> speaker as a I'm not a native English speaker as a I'm not a native English speaker being<00:00:29.220> you<00:00:29.640> know<00:00:29.760> like<00:00:29.789> I<00:00:30.060> was<00:00:30.179> shy<00:00:30.539> like<00:00:30.810> I being you know like I was shy like I being you know like I was shy like I don't<00:00:30.990> know<00:00:31.230> like<00:00:31.470> maybe<00:00:31.560> people<00:00:31.949> to<00:00:32.130> start don't know like maybe people to start don't know like maybe people to start calling<00:00:32.579> me<00:00:32.850> out<00:00:32.880> I'm<00:00:33.480> not<00:00:33.989> sure<00:00:34.290> if<00:00:34.500> you<00:00:34.860> know calling me out I'm not sure if you know calling me out I'm not sure if you know I'm<00:00:35.160> the<00:00:35.370> most<00:00:35.520> knowledgeable<00:00:35.910> person<00:00:36.239> about I'm the most knowledgeable person about I'm the most knowledgeable person about XYZ<00:00:37.020> and<00:00:37.620> like<00:00:38.399> to<00:00:38.940> have<00:00:39.239> the<00:00:39.420> authority<00:00:39.540> to XYZ and like to have the authority to XYZ and like to have the authority to even<00:00:40.379> write<00:00:40.559> about<00:00:40.770> this<00:00:40.980> stuff<00:00:41.250> all<00:00:41.670> these even write about this stuff all these even write about this stuff all these doubts<00:00:42.360> and<00:00:42.719> hesitations<00:00:43.410> and<00:00:45.980> nanami<00:00:46.980> it<00:00:47.039> was doubts and hesitations and nanami it was doubts and hesitations and nanami it was actually<00:00:47.670> really<00:00:48.289> valid<00:00:49.289> I<00:00:49.649> mean<00:00:50.579> you<00:00:50.670> can actually really valid I mean you can actually really valid I mean you can have<00:00:51.000> somebody<00:00:51.210> proofread<00:00:51.840> your<00:00:51.870> content<00:00:52.590> and have somebody proofread your content and have somebody proofread your content and you<00:00:52.920> can<00:00:52.949> have<00:00:53.480> it's<00:00:54.480> okay<00:00:54.870> if<00:00:55.050> you're<00:00:55.230> not<00:00:55.440> the you can have it's okay if you're not the you can have it's okay if you're not the smartest<00:00:55.710> person<00:00:56.190> on<00:00:56.460> the<00:00:56.550> planet<00:00:56.760> you'll smartest person on the planet you'll smartest person on the planet you'll grow<00:00:57.449> you<00:00:58.050> learn<00:00:58.800> and<00:00:59.219> and<00:00:59.399> but<00:01:00.059> if<00:01:00.300> you<00:01:00.449> put grow you learn and and but if you put grow you learn and and but if you put yourself<00:01:01.050> out<00:01:01.199> there<00:01:01.500> through<00:01:01.770> content yourself out there through content yourself out there through content marketing<00:01:02.489> for<00:01:02.670> me<00:01:02.789> it<00:01:02.910> was<00:01:03.030> blogging<00:01:03.270> cuz<00:01:03.600> I'm marketing for me it was blogging cuz I'm marketing for me it was blogging cuz I'm a<00:01:03.750> writer<00:01:04.019> some<00:01:04.680> people<00:01:04.979> are<00:01:05.129> you<00:01:05.519> know<00:01:05.549> I a writer some people are you know I a writer some people are you know I created<00:01:06.240> other<00:01:06.450> mediums<00:01:06.900> the<00:01:07.380> sooner<00:01:07.920> you<00:01:08.010> put created other mediums the sooner you put created other mediums the sooner you put yourself<00:01:08.549> out<00:01:08.729> there<00:01:08.760> the<00:01:09.600> sooner<00:01:10.200> you<00:01:10.320> start yourself out there the sooner you start yourself out there the sooner you start building<00:01:11.040> a<00:01:11.130> following<00:01:11.640> your<00:01:12.330> name<00:01:12.540> will<00:01:12.750> get building a following your name will get building a following your name will get out<00:01:13.020> there<00:01:13.200> and<00:01:13.380> you'll<00:01:13.590> build<00:01:14.340> relationships out there and you'll build relationships out there and you'll build relationships with<00:01:15.240> other<00:01:15.360> people<00:01:15.450> of<00:01:15.990> writing<00:01:16.740> about with other people of writing about with other people of writing about similar<00:01:17.430> things<00:01:17.700> you<00:01:17.850> start<00:01:18.030> going<00:01:18.299> to<00:01:18.479> events similar things you start going to events similar things you start going to events you<00:01:19.979> start<00:01:20.310> you<00:01:20.880> know<00:01:21.060> working<00:01:21.689> on<00:01:21.960> name you start you know working on name you start you know working on name recognition<00:01:22.350> all<00:01:23.310> these<00:01:23.580> things<00:01:23.939> that<00:01:24.330> down recognition all these things that down recognition all these things that down the<00:01:24.869> line<00:01:24.900> that<00:01:25.110> immensely<00:01:26.100> immensely the line that immensely immensely the line that immensely immensely immensely<00:01:27.270> valuable<00:01:27.479> things<00:01:28.170> like<00:01:28.829> blogging immensely valuable things like blogging immensely valuable things like blogging hasn't<00:01:29.670> built<00:01:29.909> the<00:01:30.390> business<00:01:30.600> I<00:01:31.439> have<00:01:32.040> today hasn't built the business I have today hasn't built the business I have today blowing<00:01:33.270> has<00:01:33.420> brought<00:01:33.780> me<00:01:34.020> immense<00:01:34.530> amount<00:01:34.829> of blowing has brought me immense amount of blowing has brought me immense amount of relationships<00:01:36.290> so<00:01:37.290> we<00:01:37.439> you<00:01:37.560> know<00:01:37.650> everywhere relationships so we you know everywhere relationships so we you know everywhere I<00:01:38.070> go<00:01:38.369> to<00:01:38.640> business<00:01:38.970> conference<00:01:39.360> people<00:01:39.630> know I go to business conference people know I go to business conference people know who<00:01:39.930> I<00:01:40.020> am<00:01:40.049> because<00:01:40.590> of<00:01:40.829> blogging<00:01:41.759> and<00:01:42.630> it who I am because of blogging and it who I am because of blogging and it could<00:01:43.680> be<00:01:43.799> even<00:01:44.009> bigger<00:01:44.130> had<00:01:44.460> I<00:01:44.490> started<00:01:44.909> it could be even bigger had I started it could be even bigger had I started it years<00:01:45.780> ago<00:01:46.049> so<00:01:46.229> that<00:01:46.259> is<00:01:46.530> my<00:01:46.710> piece<00:01:47.340> of<00:01:47.520> advice years ago so that is my piece of advice years ago so that is my piece of advice to<00:01:47.850> you<00:01:48.119> like<00:01:48.299> start<00:01:48.960> some<00:01:49.290> sort<00:01:50.189> of<00:01:50.280> some<00:01:51.240> form to you like start some sort of some form to you like start some sort of some form of<00:01:51.600> content<00:01:51.960> marketing<00:01:52.759> right<00:01:53.759> now<00:01:53.880> and of content marketing right now and of content marketing right now and personally<00:01:55.969> in personally in personally in in<00:01:57.580> your<00:01:57.760> health<00:01:57.940> you<00:01:58.870> know<00:01:58.990> when<00:01:59.140> you're<00:01:59.290> in in your health you know when you're in in your health you know when you're in your<00:01:59.560> 20s<00:01:59.920> and<00:02:00.010> you're<00:02:00.220> invincible<00:02:01.030> and your 20s and you're invincible and your 20s and you're invincible and immortal<00:02:01.540> it's<00:02:02.530> easy<00:02:02.740> to<00:02:02.980> it's<00:02:03.940> easy<00:02:04.120> to immortal it's easy to it's easy to immortal it's easy to it's easy to ignore<00:02:05.170> what<00:02:05.500> this<00:02:05.650> stuff<00:02:05.890> feels<00:02:06.190> like<00:02:06.520> I'm ignore what this stuff feels like I'm ignore what this stuff feels like I'm gonna<00:02:07.000> go<00:02:07.150> for<00:02:07.360> career<00:02:07.630> or<00:02:08.020> you<00:02:08.619> know<00:02:08.740> whatever gonna go for career or you know whatever gonna go for career or you know whatever whatever<00:02:09.850> you're<00:02:10.179> into whatever you're into whatever you're into I<00:02:10.780> spent<00:02:11.410> my<00:02:11.710> the<00:02:12.010> second<00:02:12.310> half<00:02:12.580> and<00:02:13.060> the<00:02:13.840> first I spent my the second half and the first I spent my the second half and the first second<00:02:14.830> half<00:02:14.980> and<00:02:15.130> one<00:02:15.220> 20s<00:02:15.610> and<00:02:15.730> first<00:02:15.910> half second half and one 20s and first half second half and one 20s and first half of<00:02:16.240> my<00:02:16.390> 30s<00:02:16.840> being<00:02:17.709> overweight<00:02:18.720> hadn't of my 30s being overweight hadn't of my 30s being overweight hadn't exercise<00:02:20.170> I<00:02:20.290> didn't<00:02:20.730> exercise<00:02:21.730> at<00:02:21.970> all<00:02:22.890> ten exercise I didn't exercise at all ten exercise I didn't exercise at all ten years<00:02:24.130> on<00:02:24.280> an<00:02:24.400> exercise<00:02:24.670> up<00:02:25.180> to<00:02:25.330> like<00:02:25.510> three years on an exercise up to like three years on an exercise up to like three years<00:02:25.780> ago<00:02:26.110> when<00:02:26.830> I<00:02:26.860> turned<00:02:27.430> everything years ago when I turned everything years ago when I turned everything around<00:02:27.940> so<00:02:28.709> now<00:02:29.709> I'm<00:02:29.770> like<00:02:29.980> oh<00:02:30.130> my<00:02:30.340> god<00:02:30.520> I<00:02:30.550> just around so now I'm like oh my god I just around so now I'm like oh my god I just wasted<00:02:31.420> ten<00:02:31.660> years<00:02:31.989> of<00:02:32.290> doing<00:02:32.500> nothing<00:02:32.680> it wasted ten years of doing nothing it wasted ten years of doing nothing it could<00:02:33.310> be<00:02:34.110> way<00:02:35.110> further<00:02:35.410> ahead<00:02:36.150> when<00:02:37.150> it<00:02:37.239> comes could be way further ahead when it comes could be way further ahead when it comes to<00:02:37.750> you<00:02:38.350> know<00:02:38.500> like<00:02:38.680> I<00:02:38.890> kick<00:02:39.370> box<00:02:39.610> I<00:02:39.820> lift to you know like I kick box I lift to you know like I kick box I lift weights<00:02:40.090> I<00:02:40.510> could<00:02:40.690> be<00:02:40.840> I<00:02:41.050> could<00:02:41.739> have<00:02:42.040> ten<00:02:42.280> more weights I could be I could have ten more weights I could be I could have ten more years<00:02:42.850> of<00:02:43.180> experience<00:02:43.750> and<00:02:44.650> and<00:02:45.070> progress years of experience and and progress years of experience and and progress here<00:02:45.790> but<00:02:45.820> no<00:02:46.630> I'm<00:02:46.810> neglected<00:02:47.560> my<00:02:47.709> health<00:02:47.890> I here but no I'm neglected my health I here but no I'm neglected my health I mean<00:02:48.400> it's<00:02:48.670> never<00:02:48.940> too<00:02:49.330> late<00:02:49.360> to<00:02:49.600> start<00:02:50.110> so mean it's never too late to start so mean it's never too late to start so that<00:02:51.130> is<00:02:51.280> one<00:02:51.459> of<00:02:51.550> my<00:02:51.670> regrets<00:02:51.940> is<00:02:52.300> that<00:02:52.330> I that is one of my regrets is that I that is one of my regrets is that I didn't<00:02:53.050> that<00:02:53.650> I<00:02:53.680> didn't<00:02:53.980> start<00:02:54.130> sooner<00:02:54.730> but didn't that I didn't start sooner but didn't that I didn't start sooner but I'm<00:02:55.480> glad<00:02:55.660> I<00:02:55.780> did<00:02:56.200> three<00:02:56.920> years<00:02:56.950> ago<00:02:57.510> to<00:02:58.510> get<00:02:58.690> to I'm glad I did three years ago to get to I'm glad I did three years ago to get to where<00:02:58.959> I<00:02:58.989> am<00:02:59.200> now<00:02:59.230> and<00:02:59.820> you<00:03:00.820> should<00:03:01.090> do<00:03:01.330> the where I am now and you should do the where I am now and you should do the same<00:03:01.780> because<00:03:01.900> this<00:03:02.140> is<00:03:02.350> the<00:03:02.650> best<00:03:03.100> the same because this is the best the same because this is the best the cheapest<00:03:03.910> investment<00:03:04.510> you<00:03:04.570> can<00:03:04.750> make<00:03:04.989> into<00:03:05.739> a cheapest investment you can make into a cheapest investment you can make into a Productivity<00:03:06.340> your<00:03:07.030> happiness<00:03:07.510> well-being Productivity your happiness well-being Productivity your happiness well-being longevity

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About The Pe:p Show

The Pe:p Show is a series of short and to the point videos. Topics that I’m covering go way past conversion stuff – it’s about optimizing all the things: your life, health, relationships, work, and business. I will also be interviewing industry peers on various topics like digital marketing, growth hacking, and more.

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Current article:

Be Proactive: What I Should Have Done Earlier in Life
