

How to Setup Google Analytics and Segment Your Data

When you hear “data segmentation”, it’s tempting to feel overwhelmed. Why? Segmentation can seem daunting (or boring) to those unfamiliar with it.

It’s an unfortunate because segmentation is perhaps one of the most effective tools at our disposal. The ability to slice and dice your Google Analytics data is the difference between mediocre, surface-level insights and meaningful, useful analysis.

In this article we’ll show you how to setup your Google Analytics to unlock actionable insights.

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When marketers think of using data to come up with test hypotheses, they often turn to their digital analytics

Yet often times, qualitative research can offer more insight than anything else working to come up with winning test hypotheses.

Where quantitative stuff tells you what, where, and how much, qualitative tells you ‘why.’ The goal of qualitative research is to gather an in-depth understanding of user behavior and why they took those specific actions.

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Website templates

Why spend hours and thousands of dollars redesigning your website from scratch when someone has already done the work for you?

Millions of businesses turn to website templates to make the design process more efficient. But there’s something almost no one is talking about and it’s a big problem.

Website templates are not optimized for conversions.

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