
user research


When marketers think of using data to come up with test hypotheses, they often turn to their digital analytics

Yet often times, qualitative research can offer more insight than anything else working to come up with winning test hypotheses.

Where quantitative stuff tells you what, where, and how much, qualitative tells you ‘why.’ The goal of qualitative research is to gather an in-depth understanding of user behavior and why they took those specific actions.

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How To Use On-Site Surveys to Increase Conversions

There are few things in marketing we know for certain.

Show a landing page to a panel of experts and ask what’s wrong—and everyone having an answer is one of them.

While there is often no shortage of opinions on how to improve a landing page, the question remains how valuable is most of the feedback?

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Qualitative Research

You spend most days analyzing and interpreting numbers, right? You’re constantly sifting through Google Analytics dashboards, form analytics reports, Mixpanel data – the list is endless.

When you spend so much time focusing on the numbers, it’s easy to forget about the people generating those numbers.

That’s where qualitative research comes into play. Qualitative research sample size requirements are also significantly less than quant research, making it doable for most companies.

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