

Growth Marketing: The Skills and Frameworks You Need

When WordStream began receiving complaints that the seven-day free trial of their PPC management software wasn’t long enough, the brand decided to A/B test 14-day and 30-day trials.

The results? Prospect trial to conversion rates fell with the longer trials.

WordStream confirmed that seven days was plenty of trial time, and they didn’t need to waste resources chasing customers down a longer funnel. 

No changes were made to the customer journey, and it had nothing to do with revenue lift. Yet, this was a successful growth marketing campaign. 

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Marketing Objectives for the Product Lifecycle Growth Stage

Groove’s customer service platform almost died in the introductory stage because they forgot to listen to their customers. They drew people in with a product they assumed would be a hit and pushed forward without taking in customer feedback. 

The result? People had a terrible experience using their product.

After turning their attention toward feedback and testing, letting the voice of their customers fuel their content strategy and product development, they took off. Three years later, they were a $5 million business.

Not revisiting your marketing objectives in the growth phase of your product lifecycle is the death knell of many startups.

In this article, you’ll learn how to develop a marketing strategy for the growth stage. We’ll also share how to achieve marketing goals at this stage, using your existing customers and experimentation to increase sales and loyalty.   

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What is Brand Equity in Marketing? (How to Become Memorable)

There are two cans of soda on a table. One is a Coca-Cola can, and the other is a cheaper, white label cola brand. Which do you choose?

You’ll probably choose Coke because it’s more familiar. It’s the safer bet. 

Coca-Cola has brand equity that makes people gravitate towards it. With the right framework, any startup can achieve this in their industry.

In this article, you’ll understand what brand equity is and how to build it so your audience reaches for your product, service, or solution over the rest.

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Apple Store

Perception isn’t always the same thing as reality, even when it comes to something as “objective” as your product’s value.

In fact, the perceived value of your product is fairly malleable. There are countless studies, as well as anecdotes, that support the notion that you can tweak small things to increase your product’s value perception.

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How to Craft a Digital Advertising Strategy that Combats Rising Costs and Captures New Customers

Total digital ad spending worldwide exceeds $450 billion. By 2024, that figure will rise to $645 billion.

This kind of spending means crowded ad platforms, which makes it more difficult to stand out. 

If your business has a five- or six-figure digital advertising budget, you can put more money behind campaigns. But this is exactly what has caused online ad prices to increase by an average of 45% on Google and Facebook (and up to 1000% in some sectors). 

If you don’t have those kinds of resources or would rather not continually increase spending, you need to think outside the box.

In this article, we’ll talk about some less saturated digital advertising strategies you can use to get ahead. We’ll also show you what it takes to create advertising that gets people to act.   

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Jedi mind tricks

Want to know how to persuade people online and get what you want?

The power of influence is usually all that separates the successful from everyone else. These are some tactics, discovered through psychological research, that you have probably not yet heard about, but have the potential to increase your persuasive abilities.

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How to Create a Marketing Funnel by Responding to Customer Behavior

The marketing and sales funnel is a time-tested framework for mapping the customer journey.

However, with every new technology, channel, and distraction served up by the internet, that journey becomes less linear, and the traditional funnel becomes less relevant. 

In the current landscape, to successfully guide a person from prospect to customer, you need to think about their behavior and deliver marketing that fits their needs at every stage of the funnel.

In this article, you’ll learn how to do just that. We’ll look at how to use the marketing funnel as a model for your content, how users behave throughout their journey, and what it takes to inspire action. 

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Brand Tracking: How to Measure Market Penetration (+ Metrics & Examples)

You work tirelessly to understand your customer, market, and competition so you can differentiate. Voice-of-customer (VoC) research, user research, competitor research, and insights on jobs-to-be-done (JTBD) can inform your marketing strategy. 

Brand tracking is how you measure if those efforts are paying off.

Brand tracking provides both qualitative and quantitative answers to crucial questions:

  • How do your customers perceive your brand?
  • Are your campaigns driving conversions?
  • Do consumers know who you are?
  • Does your messaging at each touchpoint match customer intent? 
  • Is your brand part of most consumers’ consideration set?
  • Have you built perceived value?  

In this article, we’ll share key brand tracking metrics and methods for how to measure and optimize your success. 

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How to Model Your Marketing Against the Product Lifecycle

The classic lifespan of successful products is a story in four parts:

  1. Introduction
  2. Growth
  3. Maturity
  4. Decline

How this story plays out has a lot to do with the type of product and how it’s improved over time, if at all.

However, the shape of the curve—the length of the arc and the speed of the decline—is also determined by how you market that product at each stage of its life. 

In this article, we’ll look at the different stages of the product lifecycle through the lens of marketing. You’ll learn about the different strategies available and the impact they’ll have on the future of your product.

(Want to learn more about product marketing? Take the Product Marketing Certification Training program).

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