
All Things Data-Driven Marketing

SaaS Growth: The "Triple A" Sprint Framework that Gets Results

Many SaaS companies launch a product-led growth model—but never update it. When the executive team calls me and asks why they aren’t converting users into customers, I tell them to buy a plant. Seriously.

If they don’t water the plant, it’s going to wither and die. If they water it and give it sunlight, it’ll grow. Everyone knows how the system works. Yet, even though we know what to do, millions of plants still die. Why? Nobody takes ownership.

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Website Credibility: A 39-Point Checklist

If you’re Amazon or Apple—congratulations! You don’t have any credibility issues. Most of us aren’t so lucky. Almost all but the biggest of companies have an uphill credibility battle every time a new visitor lands on their site.

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B2B websites ux

Best practices are starting points: If you have no data, start with these. They are not what you should end up with, but they’re often where optimization begins. That’s an important distinction.

This post applies Jakob Nielson’s 10 Usability Heuristics to B2B websites that focus on lead generation (as well as “high consideration” B2C sites that lack any transactional functionality).

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In a Commodity Market? Here's How to Craft Your Value Prop.

“How do I come up with a unique value proposition? What I sell isn’t unique.”

If you’re working on improving your business, you know there’s no shortage of information about why you need a unique value proposition.

You’ve probably even seen a handful of solid examples, but when you go to write your own, you hit a wall.

You’ve got too many competitors, they’re selling the same stuff, and it looks like all the good value propositions are taken.

What can you do? What should you differentiation strategy be?

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Usability Test Reporting: Spend Less Time, Have More Impact

Usability testing is one of the most effective ways to uncover issues that users have on your website or app. It works whether you’re a behemoth with millions of users or a startup that’s just left the proverbial garage.

The problem is that usability testing takes time—time to recruit participants, moderate and watch videos, and compile results.

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